378 users

In this document you will find information about what personal data we process about you, whether we process the data on the basis of consent or on the basis of another legal ground, for what purposes we use it, to whom we may transfer it and what rights you have in connection with the processing of your personal data.


Who determines how personal data will be processed?

What personal data do we process?

From what sources do we obtain personal data?

Use of cookies and other technologies in the processing of your personal data

Why do we process personal data and what entitles us to do so?

Who processes your personal data and to whom do we transfer it?

Transfer of your personal data outside European Union member states

What rights do you have when processing personal data?

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Who determines how personal data will be processed?

We at CoinPlay data (hereinafter collectively referred to as "we") determine for what purpose and by what means your personal data will be processed, i.e. in particular collected, recorded, sorted and, where appropriate, disclosed, and we are responsible for the proper implementation of such processing of your personal data.

This role derives from our status as joint controllers of personal data (hereinafter referred to as "joint controllers"), as we jointly operate the Wibox.site website together under contract and thus exercise joint control over the processing of your personal data.

We are jointly involved in the operation of the Wibox.site internet portal, and CoinPlay data participates in this operation by processing data analyses of your data.

We are jointly responsible for the processing of your personal data and you can exercise your rights regarding the processing of your personal data that you are entitled to by virtue of your status as a data subject with any of the joint controllers, i.e. with both Wibox and Wibox data. You may also contact us at any time with questions about the processing of your personal data in the manner set out in Part I. "How can I exercise individual rights?". Other persons may be involved in the processing of your personal data, including data controllers and data processors as listed in section F "Who processes your personal data and to whom do we transfer it?".

What personal data do we process?

It is important to us that you know how and for what purposes we process your personal data. In the following section we will give you an overview of what personal data is involved, including examples:

Contact details

In particular, a postal address, telephone number or e-mail address are necessary in order for us to be able to provide you with our to deliver our communications to you. Otherwise, you may not be aware of our offer.

Identifying information

Primarily first name, last name, date of birth, username and password, or business registration number and address are important for us to make sure that we are actually contacting the right person. In addition, we would like to address you by your name.

CoinPlay.biz website usage data

By using the Internet environment and visiting the Wibox.site website (the "Website" or "Wibox.site Website"), you are automatically submitting your device's IP address. We can therefore detect the network number and subnet in which your device is located. If you have enabled the storage of so-called "cookies" in your browser. If you have enabled cookies, you can send us additional information, such as the pages that you visit, about the user preferences on your computer. More information about the use of cookies please see section D "Use of cookies and other technologies in the processing of your personal data data".

From the logs, where information about your activity on the web is also recorded for security reasons. website, we can read the length of a single login, the actions you have taken on the website, and information about the data filled in forms. For optimal display of our website and services, we use information about your operating system (for example, Windows or macOS), its version and technical data about the devices from which you are logging in (for example, the type of smartphone you have). This tells us helps us to continuously improve our services and adapt them to your technical capabilities. More information Please see section D "Use of cookies and other technologies in the processing of your personal data".

Geolocation data

This is data that identifies the GPS coordinates (or address point) of a specific location. From the logs to the your Wibox.site user account, we read your location when you log in. We also use geolocation data when you visit our website to offer you contact information based on your current location services offered near you.

Information about the use of products and services

For better targeting in our campaigns, we use information about what services you use, with what conditions, whether you are still using them or have cancelled them. We know how often you log into your user account, and whether you have taken any actions in your account or logged out after a while. For We also use information from surveys and user testing to improve our services.

Information about interactions with Wibox.site

To avoid contacting you multiple times for the same reason, we record information about contacts between you and us. This includes information such as the date (or time) of the contact, the reason for the contact, and whether the contact was initiated by you or by us. This applies to contacts through all channels, in particular via telephone, chat, mail, email, or via a web or mobile app, in which case we also obtain the GoogleID or AppleID. This is to ensure that we do not make you an offer that does not appeal to you, so that we don't have to offer you the same offer again and so that we can better navigate your needs.

Social media information

When implementing our marketing campaigns, we cooperate with social networks such as social "Facebook" and "LinkedIn". For detailed information, please see section D "Use of cookies and other technologies when processing your personal data" and in section G "Transferring your personal data outside European Union member states".

Transactional data

In particular, this includes your account numbers, the name of the account holder, the time and amount of the payment made, including the transactions that result in the crediting of points for competitions. We need this data in order to to be able to operate the Rondo program and to be able to provide you with a cash prize in the event of your winning a prize in our Rondo program when you win a prize.

Information from surveys and user testing

When we are developing new services or want to get feedback on our existing services and advertising or want to find out what services you would like, we ask you, our users, directly in various surveys. U developing new services, we carry out so-called user testing. These tests allow us to find out whether the app is not only appealing, but also easy to use.

Purchase information

From what sources do we obtain personal data

The personal data we process comes primarily from you yourself, from your use of the website CoinPlay.biz and CoinPlay services and our communications with you. We also obtain personal data directly from you by monitoring your behaviour on the Wibox.site website

Other personal data we collect in the course of our business, which is mainly derived from you data you provide.

We may obtain other personal data from our partners who process your personal data for us according to on our instructions and for the purposes we specify and are therefore personal data processors in relation to us (for example, data about your purchases) and/or our partners who are controllers of personal data. For more information about processors and controllers of personal data, please see section F "Who holds your personal data processes and to whom do we transfer it?"

Use of cookies and other technologies when processing your personal data

When you visit the CoinPlay.biz website, we store and then read small files called cookies on your device. Cookies. A cookie is a small file that we store in your web browser or on your hard drive. computer. Some cookies allow us to link your activities while you are browsing our site from the moment, when you open your web browser window until the moment you close it. The moment you close the window browser window, these cookies will be deleted. Others remain on the device for a set period of time and are activated each time you visit the website that created the cookie. We also use pixel tags (also known as web beacons), which are small images that have a similar function to cookies. Unlike cookies, which are stored on your computer's hard drive, pixel tags are are a fixed part of the website. Similarly, we use other technologies that read information about your device or browser, or store information on them. For simplicity's sake, we will discuss all of these technologies in this document, we will refer to these technologies as cookies. We not only store cookies on your device, we also read them those cookies that our website has placed on your device.

Some cookies are stored and read directly by our website. These cookies help us:

identify you when you navigate between pages of our website and on return visits, for example, so that your collected tokens are not deleted, so that we can remember your login from specific device and not ask you repeatedly for your email and password, or to save which version of of our site to show you if the site offers more than one version at any given time;

to note that you have given us your consent under this document, or whether you have, for example, offered to participate in a particular survey;

record the data you enter into the service;

display the content of our website for your device;

to ensure security, for example, to investigate whether someone has misused your connection to our website; and acting instead of you;

to record, investigate and troubleshoot malfunctions and non-functioning components of our website;

secure login via social networks Facebook, Google, Apple

Such cookies and other files are necessary for the functioning of our website. If your browser you block these cookies, our website may not function properly and we may not be able to provide our products and services.

The following cookies are also stored and read with your consent:

cookies from the CoinPlay.biz website that allow us to:

track traffic to our CoinPlay.biz website, its individual pages, generate statistics and reports and measure the effectiveness of advertising;

show you different variations of our CoinPlay.biz website when we are testing new functionality;

customize the content of our CoinPlay.biz website for you, for example, to show you preferentially products that you have already viewed, and to show you other tailored offers on our site;

third party cookies that may use them:

to collect data about your behaviour on our CoinPlay.biz website and other websites;

to display customized offers and targeted advertising within ad networks on other websites websites other than our CoinPlay.biz website;

to connect with social networking sites such as Facebook, including automatic login, providing features such as a "Like" button and displaying customized offers and targeted advertising on these social networks and websites other than our website; a list of social and advertising networks, that we use, please see the section under F "Who processes your personal data and to whom do we give it to you?"

You can withdraw your consent at any time by visiting the Cookies and related processing settings section.

We do not only obtain data about your behaviour on the CoinPlay.biz website from cookies. We also supplement it with the following data that we also use for the purposes listed above:

IP address of your device (the address of your device that you use to communicate with other devices on the network internet);

MAC address (the address of the device you use to communicate with other devices on your local network);

operating system of your device, its version and language settings;

the browser you use on your device, its version and language settings;

the address of the website (URL) from which you are accessing Wibox.site;

records of data communications between your device and Wibox.site.

Why do we process personal data and what authorizes us to do so?

As part of our business, we process personal data for different purposes and to different extents either:

without your consent for the performance of a contract, our legitimate interest or for the performance of a legal obligation, or on the basis of your consent.

What processing we may carry out without your consent depends on the purpose of the processing in question is directed and in what position you are acting towards us - whether you are just a visitor to the CoinPlay.biz website or you register and whether you give us consent to process your personal data for specific specified purposes.

If you register and subsequently compete, we process your personal data without your consent on the basis of the performance of a contract, our legitimate interest or for the performance of a legal obligation, or for on the basis of the consent you have given for one of the specific purposes of the processing.

We process your personal data without your consent for the following purposes:

Ensuring your participation in the Wibox program

This processing of your personal data is necessary for the performance of our contract with you. This is because if you create a account on CoinPlay.biz, we process your Contact Data, Identification Data, Usage Data CoinPlay.biz website, Information about your use of products and services, Information about your interactions with Wibox.site, Transaction Data, and Purchase Information based on the performance of our contract with you in order to maintain your user account so that you can participate in the program and compete. The Agreement (or our contractual relationship with you), on which our processing is based, is established by the creation of your account (General Terms and Conditions of Membership CoinPlay program are available on the CoinPlay Competition Terms and Conditions page).

For this purpose, we process your personal data for the duration of the contractual relationship, i.e. for the duration of your participation in the CoinPlay program, and for 3 years from the date of termination of the contractual relationship and your participation in this program, necessary to carry out the necessary steps related to the deletion of your personal data according to the valid and effective applicable law.

Our protection against unauthorized use of our services and protection against infringement

For this purpose, we process your Contact Data, Identification Data, Web Usage Data CoinPlay.biz website, Information about your interactions with CoinPlay.biz, Transaction Data and Purchase Information, and to ensure our legitimate interests, which are to protect against unauthorized use of our services and to protect against unlawful conduct.

Typically, this data is used to ensure the safe use of our products and services, manage our risks, prevent and evaluate possible fraudulent activities, etc.

For this purpose, we process your personal data for the duration of the contractual relationship, i.e. for the duration of your participation in Rondo programme, and for 3 years from the date of termination of the contractual relationship and your participation in this programme, necessary to carry out the necessary steps related to the deletion of your personal data according to the valid and effective legal regulation.

Improvement of our services based on their use

When you create an account on CoinPlay.biz, we process your Website Usage Data CoinPlay.biz, Information about your use of products and services, Information about your interactions with Rondo.com, Information from Social Media, Transaction Data, Survey and User Testing Information, and Purchase Information also based on our legitimate interest in improving our services based on usage by you and to optimize the offers and features within the CoinPlay.biz website. Based on information obtained from the personal data provided, in particular information about your satisfaction with our services, we will be able to improve our services in the future to make it even easier for you to compete with us.

For this purpose, we process your personal data for the duration of the contractual relationship, i.e. for the duration of your participation in the Rondo program, and for 3 years from the date of termination of the contractual relationship and your participation in this program, necessary to carry out the necessary steps related to the deletion of your personal data according to the valid and effective legal regulation.

Our internal records and protection of our rights and interests

For this purpose we process your Contact Data, Identification Data, Web Usage Data CoinPlay.biz website, Geolocation Data, Information about the use of products and services, Information about interactions with CoinPlay.biz, Transaction Data and Purchase Information, in order to further our legitimate interests, specifically to protect our rights and interests (i.e., legal claims), which are to maintain our internal records and controlling the proper provision of our services.

For this purpose, we process your personal data for the duration of the limitation period, including the period covering any suspension or interruption thereof, but typically no longer than 16 years after the end of your participation your participation in CoinPlay.

In the event of legal, administrative or other proceedings, we will process your personal data as necessary the duration of such proceedings for the exercise and/or defence of our legal claims.

Support and promotion of our services

For this purpose, we process your Contact Data, Identification Data, Web Usage Data CoinPlay.biz website, Geolocation Data, Product and Service Usage Information, Interaction Information with CoinPlay.biz, Transaction Data, Survey and User Testing Information, and Purchase Information to further our legitimate interests of promoting the use of our services and disseminating information about these services.

We process your personal data in this way, for example, in the context of satisfaction surveys, comments on life anniversary and in preparing and sending our sales/marketing communications about the goods or services we offer or services and optimising offers directly on the CoinPlay.biz website, including notification of newly added partners where tokens can be earned.

We don't want to bother you with unnecessary and inappropriate communication, so we use the personal data we collect to to get to know your needs better and to be able to offer them a suitable solution. By contacting marketing/business communication may include, for example, an offer to participate in consumer competitions, offering goods and services from CoinPlay.biz.

We use a wide range of channels to communicate with you, especially classic mail, e-mail, SMS messages and push-notifications, but also e.g. pop-ups on the CoinPlay.biz website.

By sending you business/marketing communications that are sent to you electronically via email and SMS, you can opt-out and disable their further transmission at any time via the link provided in each such communication. In such a case, the commercial/marketing communications will no longer be sent to you will continue to be sent to you.

For this purpose, we process your personal data for the duration of the contractual relationship, i.e. for the duration of your participation in the CoinPlay program, and for 3 years from the date of termination of the contractual relationship and your participation in this program, necessary to carry out the necessary steps related to the deletion of your personal data in accordance with the applicable and effective applicable law.

Preparation of anonymized analyses for our partners

For this purpose, we process your CoinPlay.biz Website Usage Information, Usage Information products and services, Information about your interactions with CoinPlay.biz, Information from surveys and user Testing Information, and Purchase Information, to further our legitimate interests in providing anonymised business information to partners, in accordance with which we also prepare anonymised analysis that we provide to our partners.

Anonymisation is an irreversible process whereby we modify your personal data so that it no longer identifiable and is no longer personal data.

For this purpose, we process your personal data for the duration of the contractual relationship, i.e. for the duration of your participation in the Rondo programme, and for 3 years from the date of termination of the contractual relationship and your participation in this programme, necessary to carry out the necessary steps related to the deletion of your personal data according to the valid and effective legal regulations. We note that the aforementioned period does not apply to anonymised data that are no longer personal data.

Compliance with our legal obligations

For this purpose, we process your Contact Data, Identification Data and Transaction Data for to comply with our legal (statutory) obligations. This includes, for example, archiving obligations under various laws regulating our business area.

For these purposes, we process personal data for the period of time specified by the relevant legal regulations.

With your consent, which you gave us when you registered in our CoinPlay program or even subsequently at any time after your registration, we will continue to process your personal data for the purposes for which you gave consent. These are the following processing purposes:

Supporting and promoting our partners' services and preparing anonymised analyses of your customer behaviour by our partner.

For this purpose, we process your Contact Data and Identification Data (of which only first name, last name, age) and we also pass this data on to our partners.

We process your personal data in this way, for example, in the context of satisfaction surveys, comments on life anniversary and in the preparation and sending of business offers to partners by electronic means, on the basis of transferring your data to partners.

Detailed information about the transfer of your personal data can be found in section E "Who processes your personal data and to whom do we transfer it?

For this purpose, we process your personal data for the duration of your consent, but no longer than 1 year from the date of your last interaction with us. By interaction, we mean the granting of consent and the use of the CoinPlay.biz web application.

Supporting and promoting Rondo and our partners' products and services, including profiling and preparing anonymous analyses of customer behaviour.

For this purpose, we process your Contact Data, Identification Data, Data about the use of the Rondo.cz website, Geolocation Data, Information about the use of products and services, Information about interactions with CoinPlay.biz, Information from social networks, Transaction Data, Information from surveys and user testing and Information about purchases.

In order to personalize CoinPlay for you, we analyze the above data and extract other derived data from it, which we use for this purpose.

In this way, we may also use data about your behaviour on CoinPlay.biz that we collected before you registered and we may collect data about your behaviour on CoinPlay.biz even if you do not log in (e.g. when we identify you using cookies - see section D "Use of cookies and other technologies in processing your personal data").

Such processing of your personal data involves so-called marketing data processing. You can think of this as statistical and mathematical analyses to gain insight into user behaviour and to estimate future behaviour or business potential, user profiling, various segmentations, reporting, etc. Processing can be either manual or automated.

We process your personal data in this way, for example, in the context of satisfaction surveys, anniversary commemorations and in the preparation and sending of our commercial offers by electronic means without passing on your personal data to our partners.

For this purpose, we process your personal data for the duration of your consent, but no longer than 1 year from the date of your last interaction with us. By interaction, we mean the granting of consent and the use of the CoinPlay.biz web application.

Improvement of our services based on their use, Support and promotion of our services, Preparation of anonymised analyses for our partners.

For these purposes, we process your CoinPlay.biz Website Usage Data, Geolocation Data, Product and Service Usage Information, Wibox.site Interaction Information and Social Media Information collected through cookies and other tools. For detailed information, please see Section D "Use of Cookies and Other Technologies in Processing Your Personal Data"

The content of the processing carried out within the framework of these purposes corresponds to the description of these purposes given above; with your consent, only the scope of the data processed for these purposes is extended.

For these purposes, we process your personal data for the duration of your consent, but no longer than 1 year from the date of your last interaction with us. By interaction we mean giving consent and then using the Wibox.site web application.

Who processes your personal data and to whom do we transfer it?

We process all the personal data mentioned above as joint controllers (see section A "Who determines how personal data will be processed?"). This means that we determine for what purpose and by what means your personal data will be processed, i.e. in particular collected, recorded, sorted and, where appropriate, made available, and we are responsible for the proper implementation of such processing of your personal data.

We may also transfer your personal data, based on your consent, to other entities that are in the role of controller, for example, in connection with the performance of a contract with you to our partners who are involved in this performance or who are joint controllers with us, such as social network operators such as Facebook, Inc.

We also use the services of other processors to process personal data, who only process personal data on our instructions and for the purposes described in section E "Why do we process personal data and what entitles us to do so?". These processors are:

cloud service providers and other technology and support suppliers such as Amazon Web Services, SuperNetwork s.r.o., Creative Developers spol. s r.o., I&Q GROUP, spol. s r.o. and others;

operators of marketing tools such as Facebook, Inc., Google, Inc. and Seznam.cz, a.s., who help us to optimize the website and personalize content and offers for you;

operators of email marketing campaigns such as Mailkit s.r.o., ID No.: 264 49 901 and Etnetera a.s., ID No.: 251 038 14;

payment gateway operators such as ComGate Payments, a.s., ID No.: 279 24 505.

Transfer of your personal data outside the member states of the European Union

As part of the transfer of data to our processors listed in section F "Who processes your personal data and to whom do we transfer it?", we may also transfer your data to third countries outside the European Union that do not ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data. We will only make any such transfers if the processor in question commits to comply with the standard contractual clauses issued by the European Commission and available at https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/international-dimension-data-protection/standard-contractual-clauses-scc/standard-contractual-clauses-international-transfers_en

What rights do you have when processing personal data?

Just as we have rights and obligations when processing your personal data, you also have certain rights when processing your personal data. These rights include:

Withdrawal of consent

Any consents we obtain are entirely voluntary and you are under no obligation to provide them.

Failure to grant or withdraw consent for any of the above purposes in section E "Why do we process personal data and what entitles us to do so?" will not, however, affect our ability to send you commercial/marketing communications in accordance with our legitimate interest (see the above purpose under (e) "Support and promotion of our services").

In all cases of processing based on consent, you can withdraw your consent by sending an email to info@coinplay.cz. The revocation must be sent from your registration email so that we can verify that it is indeed you.

If you revoke your consent with Wibox.site, this revocation will also apply to the other of the joint administrators (Wibox.site). The preceding sentence means that Wibox.site will not process your personal data for the purposes set out in the consent you have given (and subsequently withdrawn) after the point at which you withdraw your consent.

Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing prior to such withdrawal.

Right of access

Simply put, you have the right to know what data we process about you, for what purpose, for how long, where we obtain your personal data, to whom we transfer it, who processes it outside of us and what other rights you have in relation to the processing of your personal data. You can find out all of this in this document "Wibox.site Privacy Policy". However, if you are unsure which personal data we process about you, you can ask us to confirm whether or not personal data relating to you is processed by us and, if so, you have the right to access that personal data. As part of your right of access, you can ask us for a copy of the personal data we are processing and we will provide you with the first copy free of charge and subsequent copies at a charge.

Right to repair

If you find that the personal data we process about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to have it corrected or completed without undue delay.

Právo na výmaz

In some cases, you have the right to have us delete your personal data. We will delete your personal data without undue delay if one of the following reasons is met:

We no longer need your personal data for the purposes for which we processed it;

you withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data, where the data is data for which your consent is necessary and we have no other reason why we need to continue to process the data;

you exercise your right to object to processing (see below under (g) "Right to object to processing") for personal data that we process on the basis of our legitimate interests and we find that we no longer have any such legitimate interests that would justify such processing, or

you believe that our processing of your personal data no longer complies with generally binding regulations.

This right does not apply if the processing of your personal data is still necessary to comply with our legal obligation or to establish, exercise or defend our legal claims (see section E "Why do we process personal data and what entitles us to do so?").

Right to restriction of processing

In some cases, in addition to the right to erasure, you can exercise the right to restrict the processing of personal data. This right allows you in certain cases to request that your personal data be marked and not be subject to any further processing operations - in this case, however, not forever (as in the case of the right to erasure), but for a limited period of time. We must restrict the processing of personal data when:

you dispute the accuracy of the personal data before we agree what data is correct;

We process your personal data without a sufficient legal basis (e.g. over and above what we need to process), but you will only prefer to restrict such data before deleting it (e.g. if you expect to provide us with such data in the future anyway);

We no longer need your personal data for the above processing purposes, but you require it for the establishment, exercise or defence of your legal claims, or

object to the processing. The right to object is described in more detail below in this section under (g) "Right to object to processing"). We are obliged to restrict the processing of your personal data for the period we are investigating whether your objection is justified.

Right to portability

You have the right to obtain from us all your personal data that you yourself have provided to us and that we process on the basis of your consent and for the performance of the contract (see section E "Why do we process personal data and what entitles us to do so?"). We will provide you with your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. To enable us to easily transfer the data at your request, it may only be data that we process automatically in our electronic databases.

Right to object to processing

You have the right to object to the processing of personal data based on our legitimate interest (see section E "Why do we process personal data and what entitles us to do so?") If it is for marketing activities, we will stop processing your personal data without further action; otherwise, we will do so unless we have compelling legitimate grounds to continue such processing.

You can object to processing for the following purposes: Our protection against unauthorized use of our services and protection against infringement, Improvement of our services based on their use, Our internal record keeping and protection of our rights and interests, Support and promotion of our services, Preparation of anonymized analyses for our partners.

Right to lodge a complaint

Exercising your rights in the above manner shall in no way affect your right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority. You can exercise this right in particular if you believe that we are processing your personal data unlawfully or in violation of generally binding legal regulations. You can file a complaint against our processing of personal data with the Office for Personal Data Protection, which is located at Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Prague 7.

You can withdraw your consent by sending an email to info@wibox.site. It is important that if you withdraw your consent, you write from the registration email so that we can verify that it is indeed you. If you withdraw your consent with the company. CoinPlay., or any of the third party collaborators, this withdrawal will also apply to the other companies, which means that none of them will be able to continue processing your personal data for the purposes stated in the consent after this date. In the event of withdrawal of consent, we will assume that you no longer wish us to continue to process your personal data for marketing purposes, even on the basis of any previously granted marketing consents or any specific marketing consents. We will therefore also consider these further marketing consents, if any, to have been withdrawn.

How can I exercise individual rights?

For all matters related to the processing of your personal data, whether it is an enquiry, exercising a right, lodging a complaint or anything else, you can contact our customer service centre available at info@wibox.site. We will deal with your request without undue delay and within a maximum of one month. In exceptional cases, in particular due to the complexity of your request, we are entitled to extend this period by a further two months. We will, of course, inform you of any such extension and the reasons for it.