378 users
1. Introductory provisions

1.1. The use of Wibox services and websites, participation in the consumer competition on the Wibox.site portal (hereinafter also referred to as the "Competition") and the purchase of goods and services on the Wibox.site website are governed by these Terms and

1.2. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, a user (hereinafter also referred to as "User") is a natural or legal person, of legal capacity, who must agree to these Terms and Conditions, has entered the Competition and/or has purchased goods or services from the Provider, and who, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, (a) has registered or already created a user account in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and (b) as a customer, has earned Play Token Loyalty Points or Token Loyalty Points or variations thereof.

1.3. In order to register, the User must fill in the registration form correctly, completely and truthfully, which contains at least the following information: first and last name; e-mail address; chosen password. The existence of the email address is verified.

1.4. In order to participate in the Competition, the User must first agree to these Terms and Conditions. If the User does not agree to the Terms and Conditions, the User cannot participate in the Contest. The User also agrees to the Terms by participating in the Contest.

1.5. The competition is open only to persons over 16 years of age. Younger persons are allowed to participate only with the prior consent of their legal guardians.

2. Competition Rules

2.1. The competition takes place on the web portal www.coinplay.biz.

2.2. Contest rules: after registering on Wibox.site, the user receives a bonus, these funds can be used to exchange for Play game tokens or to purchase individual levls, there are three levls in the game Coin, Diamond, Crown. The individual levls generate in-game CoinPlay tokens. In-game tokens can be used to purchase advertising which is displayed on the CoinPlay.biz website. Or you can participate in the WIN A PRIZE game in which prizes are drawn. To participate in the draw, the user must obtain all 10 fields, then the draw is triggered, individual prizes are selected by an algorithm that uses the principle of chance.

3. Rights and obligations of the User

3.1. The user is obliged to keep the access username and password secret. The Provider assumes no liability for misuse of the user account.

3.2. Each User is entitled to have only one user account. A User is not allowed to transfer his/her account to another User or to acquire tokens for a fee in any way.

3.3. The User expressly acknowledges that the Provider has the right to terminate or restrict the User's participation in the Contest, to cancel or block the User's account or not to award the prize at any time, without prior notice, without giving any reason and without any claim on the part of the User, if the User commits in particular the following violations of these Terms and Conditions:

3.3.1. a material breach of these Terms and Conditions, including making false statements under Article 3. of these Terms and Conditions,

3.3.2. violation of applicable law,

3.3.3. attempt any manipulation or fraudulent conduct in relation to the Competition or the Provider,

3.3.4. any speculative purchases to obtain a chip.

3.4. The User is not entitled to use the Provider's services for any purposes contrary to these Terms and Conditions or applicable laws of the Czech Republic or other countries applicable to the User, or to damage the Provider's good name. The User undertakes to indemnify the Provider for any damage caused to the Provider as a result of the User's violation of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

3.5. The user declares that:

3.5.1. is self-authorized,

3.5.2. provided true and correct information when registering your user account,

3.5.3. is the rightful owner of the user account and the rightful holder of the token or funds.

3.6. The use of any mechanical, electronic or similar device designed to gain an unfair advantage in the Competition (e.g. automatic monitoring and game manipulation) is prohibited. For example, a User may not use software, including software equipped with artificial intelligence, to assist the User in participating in the Contest or to represent the User. Violation of the above prohibition or reasonable suspicion of such violation will be grounds for the Provider not to award or not to provide the prize and to block further participation in the Contest.

3.7. The User may purchase goods and services advertised by the Provider in the CoinPlay Shop or in other parts of the coinplay.biz web portal (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Eshop"). By placing an order and its confirmation by the Provider, a contract for the sale of goods or provision of services is concluded between the Provider and the User, which is governed by these Terms and Conditions and the Provider's offer; the proposed methods of payment and transport are approved by the Provider in accordance with Article 4(9) of these Terms and Conditions. In such case, the User shall be the buyer and the Provider the seller.

3.8. Payment for goods can be made by credit cards. All transactions are protected by the payment gateways of the individual banks and do not reach third parties. The payment processors only see the transaction information that the bank communicates to them with the sent transaction.

4. Rights and obligations of the Provider

4.1. The Provider shall have the right to require the registered User to prove his/her identity, in particular if the User is entitled to a prize exceeding the equivalent of USD 3,000 or if the nature of the prize requires the identification of the User. For these purposes, the Provider may require a copy of the User's valid ID card or other proof of identity. The Provider is entitled to copy documents proving identity or existence that have been provided by the User. In the event that the User fails to provide the Provider with the required documents, the Provider shall be entitled to suspend the User's account or permanently delete it and, where applicable, the Provider shall be entitled to refuse to issue the prize.

4.2. The Provider shall be entitled to check at any time that the User has not committed any breach of these Terms and Conditions when participating in the Competition and that the User has properly become entitled to receive a token or funds. For these purposes, the Provider shall be entitled to request from the User proof of transactions and other necessary documents and information. Pending the completion of this check, the Provider is entitled to suspend the provision of any prizes in the Contest, restrict the functionality of the User's account or block the User's chips and funds. In the event that the Provider determines that a token or fund has been acquired in breach of these Terms and Conditions, or in the event that the User fails to prove that a token or fund has been acquired in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, or in the event that the User withdraws from the contract under which the User acquired the tokens or funds, the Provider shall be entitled to deduct such tokens or funds from the User's account;

4.3. The Provider shall be entitled to wait 30 days before sending the prize to the User in order to check the legitimacy of the acquisition of the Token or funds on the basis of which the User obtained the prize and to verify that the User has not withdrawn from the contract on the basis of which the User obtained the Tokens or funds used to obtain the prize. In the event that it is established that the acquisition of the Token or funds was made in violation of these Terms and Conditions or that the User has withdrawn from the contract under which the User acquired the Tokens or funds used to acquire the prize, the User's entitlement to receive the prize shall cease and the User shall be obliged to return any such prize at the Provider's request.

4.4. The Provider may, at its sole discretion, declare the Contest invalid due to any technical or other system error. If there is any serious reason that is likely to interfere with or otherwise adversely affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper operation of the Contest, or if the Contest is unable to proceed as planned, Provider reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the Contest. If the Contest is cancelled or suspended, all chips deposited and funds used will be returned to Users' user accounts. Provider reserves the right to award other Contest Entrants in addition to the winner, at its sole discretion.

4.5. Instead of the prize in kind, the User will be awarded a cash amount corresponding to the average market value of the prize in question, excluding VAT. The cash amount will be credited to the User's game account.

4.6. According to the Sales Records Act, the Provider as a seller is obliged to issue a receipt to the buyer. At the same time, the Provider is obliged to register the received sales with the tax administrator online; in case of technical failure, within 48 hours at the latest.

5. Handing over the prize

5.1. The prize will be awarded exclusively in the name of the User specified during registration. After identity verification, the prize is sent to the Users game wallet.

5.2. In the event that the User becomes a winner in excess of USD 2,000, the Provider shall be entitled to request the User's consent to the taking and use of his/her likeness, his/her written expressions, images and visual and audio recordings relating to his/her person or his/her expressions of a personal nature taken by the Provider in connection with the Contest and the transfer or redemption of the prize for the Provider's promotional purposes and other commercial purposes in all communication media, including. print or online media, irrespective of their nature and purpose, by all customary means, with subsequent editing and, where appropriate, combining them with other works or including them in a collective work. This consent is granted to the Provider free of charge, without limitation in terms of subject matter, time, quantity or territory.

5.3. Winners' individual cash prizes are recorded in the CoinPlay.biz wallet, which is accessible from the user interface.

6. Limitation of liability

6.1. Services provided by the Provider to the User are provided "as is". The Provider makes no warranties to the User regarding the functionality, speed and availability of its services.

6.2. The Provider shall not be liable for any errors in data transmissions, nor shall the Provider be liable for any damages arising from or resulting from any misuse of user accounts.

6.3. The CoinPlay.biz website contains links to other websites (hereinafter also referred to as "Third Party Sites"), as well as articles, photographs, text, graphics, images, designs, music, sound, video, information, applications, software and other content belonging to or originating from third parties (hereinafter also referred to as "Third Party Content"). These Third Party Sites and Third Party Content are not monitored or controlled by Provider and therefore Provider is not responsible for them. If the User chooses to visit any Third Party Sites, or becomes familiar with Third Party Content, he/she does so at his/her own risk.

7. Consumer Information and Complaints Procedure

7.1. Complaints about any problem with the Competition or defects in the purchased goods shall be handled by the Provider at. The User is obliged to exercise the rights from defects immediately after the defect has been discovered or after the defect could have been discovered with the exercise of ordinary care. The Provider shall handle the complaint within the shortest possible time, regularly within 24 hours. The Provider shall do its utmost for a positive settlement of the complaint. Other claims for compensation for defective performance shall be settled without undue delay and the Provider shall inform the User of the outcome of the claim procedure within 30 days of the claim. The start of the 30-day period for the settlement of the claim, including the removal of the claimed defect, shall be determined after the claim has been duly filed, including the delivery of the claimed goods back to Wibox (not by handing over the claimed goods to the carrier).

7.2. The Provider will endeavour to resolve any disputes arising under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions or arising in connection with the Competition amicably. The User is entitled to cancel his/her registration at any time by sending a request to the Provider a. In the event of disagreement with the settlement of the claim, the User has the right to contact the out-of-court consumer dispute resolution at the Czech Trade Inspection, with the registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, ID No.: 000 20 869, Internet address: www.coi.cz, and the Platform for Consumer Dispute Resolution - resolution of disputes from contracts concluded online, website: www.ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. At the same time, the User is entitled to address his/her complaint to the aforementioned Czech Trade Inspectorate, which is the supervisory authority over the Provider's activities.

7.3. In the event that the User is a consumer within the meaning of Section 419 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Civil Code"), he/she has the right to withdraw from the distance contract without giving any reason. The User may do so by sending a notice to info@wibox.site, in which he identifies the contract from which he is withdrawing. For withdrawal, the User may use the form provided in Annex 1 to these Terms and Conditions. Withdrawal from the contract can be made within fourteen days of:

7.3.1. the conclusion of the contract if it is a contract for the provision of services;

7.3.2. acceptance of the goods, in the case of a purchase contract by which the User purchases individual goods in the Eshop; or

7.3.3. acceptance of the last delivery or item or part of the goods, if it is a purchase contract by which the User purchases several types of goods or the delivery of several items or parts of goods in the Eshop; or

7.3.4. acceptance of the first delivery of goods, if it is a purchase contract, the subject of which is the regular delivery of goods from the Eshop for an agreed period of time.

7.4. Upon withdrawal from the contract, the Provider is obliged to reimburse the consumer only for the costs incurred by the consumer for the delivery of the goods in the amount corresponding to the cheapest method of delivery offered by the Provider. The Provider is not obliged to reimburse the Consumer for any difference in costs associated with the delivery of the goods if the Consumer has chosen a delivery method other than the cheapest offered. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the consumer shall at the same time bear the costs of returning the goods.

8. Privacy Policy

8.1. The full text of the privacy policy can be found on the Personal Data Processing Information page.

9. Final provisions

9.1. The contract concluded according to these Terms and Conditions, according to which the User obtains the right to use the services and websites of the Provider and to participate in the Contest, is concluded for an indefinite period of time by the User's acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. The User, who is a consumer, expressly requests the commencement of the provision of these services immediately after the conclusion of the Contract within the withdrawal period and confirms that he/she has been informed of the fact that by giving consent to the commencement of the provision of services before the expiry of the withdrawal period, he/she loses the right to withdraw from the Contract once the services have been fully provided. If the consumer withdraws from the contract for services, he/she shall only be obliged to pay the Provider the price for the actual performance until the date of delivery of the notice of withdrawal. Either party shall be entitled to terminate this contract by giving 30 days' notice.

9.2. The User is entitled to check for and correct any errors made during data entry, in particular to check and change the input data entered by the User, before the binding conclusion of any contract under these Terms and Conditions. The User will receive the confirmation of the conclusion of the contract on his/her e-mail, however, the Provider does not create and store a copy of such a contract and cannot provide the User with access to it.

9.3. The Provider is entitled to unilaterally change the content of these Terms and Conditions at any time. Any changes to these Terms shall become effective upon publication and on a date specified by the Provider, but with respect to each User only if the User consents to such change. Continued participation in the Contest by the User and/or purchase of goods or services after the date specified by the Provider as the effective date of the change to the Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to be consent by the User. If the User does not agree with the changes to the Terms and Conditions, the User shall refrain from participating in the Contest organized by the Provider and from purchasing goods or services after the date specified by the Provider as the effective date of the change to the Terms and Conditions. For the avoidance of doubt, the parties declare that a User who has previously registered prior to the effective date of these Terms and Conditions and continues to participate in the Contest and/or purchase goods or services based on the original registration shall become a User under these Terms and Conditions without further delay.

9.4. If any provision of these Terms is or becomes invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, it shall be fully severable from the other provisions of these Terms and such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provisions of these Terms. In such event, the Provider shall replace such invalid or unenforceable provision with another provision that conforms as nearly as possible to the content of the original provision.

9.5. These Terms and Conditions and the relationship between the Provider and the User shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic. In the event of a dispute between the Provider and the User, the Provider's general court shall have jurisdiction, unless the User is a consumer. These Terms and Conditions are drawn up in the Czech language. The Czech version of the Terms and Conditions is binding and any other language versions of these Terms and Conditions are made for information only.

9.6. Any communication between the Provider and the User takes place electronically in the form of electronic mail (e-mail).

9.7. Excluded from participation in the Contest are the Provider's employees and any persons who have participated or are participating in the Contest or its organization and persons close to such persons.

9.8. These Terms will take effect on 1 May 2021.